
Orientation Program on “ART OF LIVING”
January 11, 2024

The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of ECE have organized an orientation program by “Art of Living” on 11.01.2024 (Thursday) for V semester students of ME and ECE in First Floor Seminar Hall (L1-17), RVITM. We invited Mrs. Deepika Reddy, Representative of Art of Living Ashrama, Kanakapura Mani Road, Bengaluru. The inauguration was conducted at 09.15 am in first floor seminar hall with welcome address, chief guest introduction and key note address.  The guest lecture for the students has been conducted and topic is “Art of Living”. Around 90 students, staff and faculty members were presented for the program with an excellent involvement of students with guest.

Orientation Program on “ART OF LIVING” Report