About the programme
Our Mechanical Engineering programme is designed to give students a 360-degree understanding of design, construction, and the use of machines in automobiles, electric motors, aircraft, and more. The four-year course encourages students to pursue research in a wide variety of areas, such as robotics, computer-integrated manufacturing, automation, fracture mechanics, FEM, and design optimization.
- Semesters: 8
- Credits: 160
- Start date: December 1, 2022
- Eligibility: PUC or an equivalent with a minimum 45% overall grade and 60% subject-wise grade in physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
Students with a diploma degree can enter III semester of the programme.
- Semesters: 6
- Duration: 3 Years
- Eligibility: Students must earn 120 credits to qualify for the degree
- Promote high-quality mechanical education through innovative learning methodologies pertaining to the discipline
- Encourage students to participate in a wide range of extracurricular activities
- Model students into global citizens while giving them a local perspective of the discipline
- Provide access to industry links for internships and employment opportunities
- Encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship among students
- Develop state-of-the-art research facilities to promote innovation in the field
- Promote startup culture by setting up a full-fledged incubation center
Vertical Progression
There shall be no restriction for promotion from odd semester to the even semester, provided the student fulfills the attendance requirement.
A. Vertical progression in case of students admitted to the first year:
A student with CGPA ≥ 5.00 at the end of the first academic year and has no ‘F’ grade or has not more than four ‘F’ grades in the first two semesters of the programme shall be eligible to move to II year
- A student with CGPA ≥ 5.00 at the end of the second academic year and has no ‘F’ grade or has not more than four ‘F’ grades in four semesters ( I and II years) shall be eligible to move to III year
- A student with CGPA ≥ 5.00 at the end of the third academic year, and has earned all the prescribed credits of I year, and has no ‘F’ grade or has not more than four ‘F’ grades in the four semesters of II and III years shall be eligible to move to IV year
B. A student shall also be eligible for the first time, with a warning to move to higher odd semester, if he/she has failed to secure a minimum CGPA = 5.00 at the end of any academic year
C. For the award of degree, a CGPA ≥ 5.00 at the end of the programme shall be mandatory

Areas of expertise: I.C Engines, Bio-Fuel, Reduction of Emissions
Experience: 23 Years (Teaching) and 12 years (Research)
Date of joining: 01/10/2021
Email ID: solaimuthuc.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
I am Dr. C. SOLAIMUTHU, working as an Associate Professor and HOD i.c in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in RVITM, Bengaluru. I have obtained my B.E (Mechanical Engineering) degree from Madras University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 2001. M. Tech (Thermal Plant Engineering) degree from SASTRA University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, 2004. I had Ph.D degree from Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 2012. My research areas are Bio-diesel, I.C Engines and reductions of exhaust emissions. I have 23 years of teaching and research experience. I had published 46 research articles (31: Peer reviewed National and International Journals and 15: National and International Conferences). Presently, I am writing a text book on “Basic Thermodynamics” (as per VTU Syllabus, Belagavi) for the benefit of students and faculty forum. I have been acting as Reviewers for 34 different peer reviewed Journals including, Elsevier, Taylor and Francis, Springer, Indersciences etc., Nearly 54 Peer Reviewed Journal articles have been reviewed by me and the report of the same has been submitted to the Journal authority. The following funds have been received and executed the work as listed below: CSIR Seminar grants of Rs. 30, 000.00 (Two-day) National Level Seminar to be conducted between 1st and 2nd Feb 2013 at Paavai Engineering College under my project proposal, Rs. 8,000.00 has been received from Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), IISc, Bengaluru for P.G Student project “Design and Fabrication of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)”, 2016 and Rs. 6, 000.00 has been received from Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), IISc, Bangalore for U.G Students’ project “Operation of Diesel Engine fuelled with bio-diesel and its various blends after incorporating with Exhaust Gas Re-circulation (EGR) Technique, 2021.
I have received Achievers Award from RSST for the academic year 2022-23 on 26.01.2024 for Reputed Journal Publications, RVITM. I have been acting as recognized supervisor in Anna University, Chennai since 2013, Reference Number: 22.02.03, Reference Number: 220467 (https://cfr.annauniv.edu/research/supervisorlist.php?type=mech), and also acting as recognized supervisor in VTU, Belagavi since 2017, Reference Number: VTU08172570. I have evaluated two different theses from two different universities as listed below: (I) “Effect of antioxidant additives on NOx emissions from different methyl ester fuelled DI diesel engine two different “, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, May/June 2016. (II). “Investigation on performance, combustion and emission characteristics of bio-fuelled diesel engine”, VELS University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Nov/Dec 2016.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/dr-c-solaimuthu/home

Areas of expertise: Turbo machines, Heat & Mass Transfer, Thermodynamics, Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Machine drawing, Engg Graphics etc.
Manufacturing Engineering and Fabrication,
Assembly of Machines. CFD Analysis.
Experience: 10 Years Industry, 18 Years Teaching
Date of joining: 01/10/2021
Email ID: raghavendrareddynv.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Basically, a Mechanical Engineer have completed Ph. D in 2019 from VTU, M. Tech from NITK, Surathkal in 2008 and BE from Mysore University, Govt. BDT College of Engineering, Davanagere in 1993.
Along with 18 Years of Teaching experience, a decade of industrial experience in SPM India Ltd, Bangalore, manufacturers of Special Purpose Machines and one-year Apprentice Training in the Automotive Axles Ltd, Mysore, manufacturers of rear axles for heavy vehicles.
More Details
Webpage: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-raghavendra-reddy-nv-091a0824/

Areas of expertise: Surface Coatings, Microwave Claddings/Joining Materials Characterization, Heat Treatment, Welding, Additive Manufacturing, Oxidation, Hot Corrosion, Tribology, Machining, Composites, Nano Composites, Bio Composites, Bio fuels, Sustainable Materials, and Metal Casting
Experience: 8 Years Research and 6 Years Teaching
Date of joining: July 1, 2019
Email ID: durgaprasadc.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
I Dr. Durga Prasad C joined the Mechanical Engineering Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2019, where I am working as an Assistant Professor. I received my Ph.D. from the National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal in 2019, I also hold a record of fastest completion of the doctoral course within 2 years 3 months in NITK Surathkal, M.Tech in Manufacturing Science and Engineering from SIT Tumakuru in 2015 and B.E in Mechanical Engineering from HMSIT Tumakuru in 2013.
I have 6 years of teaching and 8.5 years of research experience. I have published 90 plus articles in peer-reviewed reputed International journals, 2 text books, 5 book chapters, and presented 30 articles in reputed International conferences. I have received 5 funded projects from DST-SERB GoI, and VTU GoK.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/drdurgaprasadc/home

Areas of expertise: Solar Energy, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Heat Transfer and Artificial Intelligence, Renewable energy
Experience: 4 Years Research and 5 Years Industry and 6.5 Years Teaching
Date of joining: 01/09/2020
Email ID: lokeshp.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
I Dr. Lokesh B. Paradeshi completed my Bachelor of Engineering (B.E) in Mechanical Engineering from Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Engineering & Technology, Dharwad during 2001-2005 and Master’s degree (M. Tech.) in Energy systems engineering from B.V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering and Technology Hubballi during 2005-2007. I received Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) from National Institute of Technology Calicut, India in 2020. I have about 4 years of industrial experience in thermal stream with companies like Minda, Emerson and Wipro technologies and 4.0 years of teaching experience. I published 12 articles in peer-reviewed reputed national and international journals and one book chapter. I presented more than 10 articles in national and international conferences.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/d/15kUsW4owtaar1_8oEh561VJil8Fhfc55/p/1AXcHyesCG4N5VeXEnEp1yOUdBELPYx9C/edit

Areas of expertise: Machine Design, Mineral Processing, Tribology, Nano Composites, Natural Composite Materials, Materials Characterization, and Metal Casting
Experience: 4 Years Research and 7.5 Years Teaching
Date of joining: 01/09/2020
Email ID: Rameshs.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
I Dr. Ramesh S, joined as a Assistant professor in Mechanical Engineering Department of RV Institute of Technology (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2020. Before joining RVITM, I was a Full time Research scholar at Mechanical Department, National Institute of Technology Karnataka surathkal, during 2016 july to 2020 March and received Ph.D. I have completed M.Tech in Machine Design from AIT Chikkamagalure during 2012-2014 and B.E in Mechanical Engineering from JNNCE Shimoga in 2011. I have published 25 International journals and presented 17 conference paper.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/dr-ramesh-s/publications

Areas of expertise: Advanced Machining, Severe Plastic Deformation, Corrosion, Lightweight Materials and Optimization
Experience: 8.5 Years Teaching, 2.5 Years Research
Date of joining: 01/10/2021
Email ID: gajananmn.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. Gajanan M Naik., joined the Mechanical Engineering Department of RV Institute of Technology (RVITM) Bengaluru as Assistant Professor, in 2021. Before joining RVITM, he had worked as Assistant Professor in MITE-Moodbidri, Mangalore for 2 years. Prior to that, he was working as JRF and SRF at NITK-Surathkal. He is awarded with a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Surathkal, in the year 2020. He had earned M-Tech in Manufacturing Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Surathkal, in 2016 and Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from MIT-Kundapura in 2011. His area of interests are advanced machining, lightweight materials, severe plastic deformation and corrosion. Also, he has presented papers at various conferences in India and abroad and has published papers in journals and conference proceedings. He has received best paper award from NIT-Trichy, India, in 2018, received Best Paper Award by ICDMC 2019, Vel. Tech. Rangarajan Dr Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, and received best poster award from Cochin University of science and technology Kerala, India, in Jan-2019. Received ownership for “Flipping type ECAP die” from Government of India. Reg. No: L-79923/2018.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/dr-gajanan-m-naik/home

Areas of expertise: Materials Engineering, Manufacturing science, Materials characterization, Dissimilar Material joining, Programming in Python, AI &ML
Experience:26 Years Academic and 12 Years Teaching
Date of joining: 03.10.2022
Email ID: shanthalak.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. Shanthala Kollur joined the Mechanical Engineering Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in October 2022, where I am working as an Assistant Professor. I received my Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in Mechanical Engineering from Visveswaraya Technological University in 2019, M.Tech. in Materials Engineering from NITK Surathkal and B.E in Industrial Production from Bangalore Institute of Technology in 1993.
More Details
Webpage: Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/drshanthalakollur/home

Areas of expertise:Machine Design, Mineral Processing, Tribology, Nano Composites, Natural Composite Materials, Materials Characterization, and Metal Casting.
Experience: 7 Years Research and 5.5 Years Teaching
Date of joining: 03.10.2022
Email ID: harishh.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. Harish H joined the Mechanical Engineering Department of R V Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2022, where I am working as an Assistant Professor. I received my Ph.D. from National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) Surathkal in 2022, During my Ph.D. work, I got an opportunity to work with Jindal Steel Works Pvt. Ltd (JSW) R&D center Bellary in the year 2018. I earned my M-Tech in Machine Design and Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology, Bengaluru in 2012 and 2010 respectively. I have published research papers in 35 international journals, 12 national/international conferences and 5 patents.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/dr-harish-h/home

Areas of expertise:Machine Design, Finite Element Analysis, Solid Mechanics, Elastic and Plastic failure Analysis, Piping Components Analysis
Experience: 5.5 Years Research and 2 Years Teaching
Date of joining: 14.10.2022
Email ID: manishkumar.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
I am Dr. Manish Kumar, joined as a Assistant professor in Mechanical Engineering Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2022. Before joining RVITM, I was a guest faculty at Government Engineering College, Arwal (Bihar). From August 2016 to February 2022, I was working as a full time scholar at National Institute of Technology Durgapur (West Bengal). I have completed M.Tech in Mechanical Design from RIT Islampur (Maharastra) during 2014-2016 and B.E in Mechanical Engineering from MMCOE Pune (Maharashtra) in 2014. I have 2 years of teaching and 5.5 years of research experience. I have published 11 International journals, 02 international patents and presented 05 papers in international/national conferences.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/drmanishkumarprofile/home

Areas of expertise:Construction Technology, Concrete Technology, Construction Management
Experience: 13.5 years of Teaching and 1.5 years of Industry
Date of joining: July 1, 2019
Email ID: thejascm.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
I, Thejas C M, working as Assistant Professor in R V Institute of Technology and Management. I have 11.5 years of teaching experience and 1.5 years of industrial experience. My areas of interest are Construction management and Concrete Technology. Construction management is overall management of any construction process with respect to time, quality and cost. Concrete technology deals with study of concrete, its properties and application of concrete in construction. I am pursuing PhD in concrete technology,
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/thejascm?usp=sharing