Computer Science 
 Engineering Labs 

Lab Name / Code: Data Structures Lab /BCSL305 – III SEMESTER – CSE

Data Structures is a technique of organizing, managing, and storing data for efficient usage and modification. It is a fast and cost-effective solution. This laboratory course enables students to get practical experience in design, development, implementation, analysis, and evaluation/testing of the following:

  • Linear data structures and their applications such as stacks, queues, and lists.
  • Non-linear data structures and their applications such as trees and graphs.
  • Sorting and searching algorithms.

Lab Name / Code: Microcontroller Lab / BCS402/IPCC – IV SEMESTER – CSE

The importance of Microcontroller and Embedded Systems is well known in various engineering fields, such as Computer Science, Information Science, Electronics, and Electrical engineering. A microcontroller is an independent system with a processor, memory, and General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pins that can be used as an embedded system. Most of the microcontrollers in use today are embedded in other machinery, such as automobiles, smartphones, home appliances, and peripherals for computer systems.

In this lab, students are exposed to:

  • ARM embedded systems
  • ARM processor fundamentals
  • Introduction of ARM instruction set
  • Develop and test programme using ARM7TDMI / LPC2148
  • Conduct experiments on an ARM7TDMI / LPC2148 evaluation board using the evaluation version of Embedded ‘C’ and Keil Uvision-4 tool/compiler

Lab Name / Code: Analysis and Design of Algorithms Laboratory / BCSL404 – IV SEMESTER – CSE

Analysis & Design of Algorithms Laboratory VTU (BCSL404) covers different Algorithms such as Kruskals, Prims, All pairs shortest Path, Dijkstras Algorithm, Knapsack Problem, Selection sort, Quick Sort, Merge sort and N-Queen’s Problem. 

Laboratory Outcomes:

Taking this course students will be able to- 

  • Design and implement various algorithms in C/C++
  • Employ various design strategies for problem-solving
  • Measure and compare the performance of different algorithms
  • To learn the methods for analyzing algorithms and evaluating their performance.

Lab Name / Code:  Computer Network Laboratory / 21CSL52 –IPCC – IV SEMESTER (CSE)

Computer networking focuses on explaining how the Internet works, ranging from how bits are modulated on wired and wireless in application-level protocols.

  • Acquire knowledge of using simulators for different connections.
  • Simulate and demonstrate the performance of GSM and CDMA
  • Able to detect the errors using CRC Technique.
  • Students are able to find the shortest path in the network using routing algorithms.
  • To make students to Implement data link layer and transport layer protocols.

Lab Name / Code:  Database Management Laboratory (IPCC)/ BCS403IV SEMESTER – CSE

DBMS Lab provide the student with strong foundation in database concepts, technology and provide with extensive practice to the students and groom them into well-informed database application developers. Working on existing database systems, designing of database, creating relational database, analysis of table design.

  • Students get practical knowledge on designing and creating relational and NoSQL database systems.
  • Understand various advanced queries execution such as relational constraints, joins, set operations, aggregate functions, trigger, views, embedded SQL and CRUD operations
  • Use of various software to design and build ER Diagrams, UML, Flow chart for related database systems

Lab Name / Code:  Computer Graphics & Image Processing Laboratory / 21CSL66 – VI SEMESTER – CSE

Computer graphics is related to all aspects of producing images using a computer. It focuses on the mathematical and computational foundations of image generation and processing rather than purely aesthetic issues.

  • Demonstrate the use of Open GL.
  • Demonstrate the different geometric object drawing using openGL
  • Demonstration of 2D/3D transformation on simple objects.
  • Demonstration of lighting effects on the created objects.
  • Demonstration of Image processing operations on image/s.


CO 1: Use openGL /OpenCV for the development of mini Projects.

CO 2: Analyze the necessity mathematics and design required to demonstrate basic geometric

          transformation techniques.

C0 3: Demonstrate the ability to design and develop input interactive techniques.

C0 4: Apply the concepts to Develop user friendly applications using Graphics and IP concepts

Lab Name / Code:  Digital Design and Computer Organization / BCS302 – III SEMESTER (CSE)

Digital Electronics is one of the fundamental courses of Computer Science and other engineering streams. This laboratory course enables students to get practical experience in design, assembly, and evaluation/testing of the following:

  • Combinational logic circuits
  • Flip-flops and their operations

To learn basic features of C# programming

To understand C# support for OOP with programming examples

To gain experience of modern tool usage (VS Code, Visual Studio or any other) in developing C# programs

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

  1. Develop programs involving basic features of C# programming language
  2. Make use of exception handling features to safeguard program against runtime anomalies
  3. Apply concepts of OOP in developing solutions to problems
  4. Develop programs to illustrate handling of text files
  5. Usage of modern tools (VS Code, Visual Studio) to develop C# programs and applications

Lab Name / Code:  Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Laboratory / 18CSL76 – VII SEMESTER – CSE

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Laboratory – 18CSL76 (VTU AIML Lab) covers the different algorithms such as A* Search, A** Search, Find-S algorithms, Candidate elimination algorithm, Decision tree (ID3) algorithm, Artificial Neural Networks, Backpropagation Algorithm, Naïve Bayes classifier for text classification, Bayesian Belief Network, k-Means, and EM clustering Algorithm, k-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm (KNN), Locally Weighted Regression Algorithm

Laboratory Outcomes:

The students were able to:

  • Implement and demonstrate AI and ML algorithms.
  • Evaluate different algorithms.


Learning full stack web development, particularly with Django, is invaluable as it empowers developers to create all aspects of web applications swiftly and efficiently. Employing methodologies like rapid application development (RAD) facilitates the creation of responsive web pages by leveraging frameworks such as Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS, which expedite layout and style development, ensuring adaptability across various devices. Within the Django framework, the Model-View-Template (MVT) architecture governs the organization of components: models define data structures, views handle business logic and user interactions, and templates render HTML content. State management is achieved through session management, while Django’s admin interface automates content management and database record manipulation. By defining models, views, and templates, developers can design dynamic pages with SQL databases, utilizing Django’s ORM to streamline database interaction through Python objects, thus enabling efficient full stack web development with Django.

Lab Name/Code: Data Visualization with Python- BCS358D – III SEMESTER – CSE 

Data visualization is a critical step in the data science process, helping teams and individuals convey data more effectively to colleagues and decision makers. Tables, pie charts and stacked bar charts, line and area charts, histograms, scatter plots, heat maps, tree maps etc. are different data visualization techniques which students will learn and help to represent useful insights of data. Python is an important tool for data visualization which includes several libraries like matplotlib, seaborn etc.

Taking this course students will be able to-

  • Demonstrate the use of IDLE or PyCharm IDE to create Python Applications Using Python programming language to develop programs for solving real-world problems
  • Implementation of Matplotlib for drawing different Plots
  • Demonstrate working with Seaborn, Bokeh, Plotly for 3D, Time Series and Maps