About the programme
Our Computer Science Engineering programme is a four-year intensive degree that focuses on the fundamentals of computer programming and networking. During the course of the program, students will get to learn extensively about computation, algorithms, programming languages, program design, computer software, computer hardware, etc. This will give them a strong foundation and equip them with the skills they need to shine in the real world.
- Semesters: 8
- Credits: 160
- Start date: 1 December, 2022
- Eligibility: PUC or an equivalent with a minimum 45% overall grade and 60% subject-wise grade in physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
Students with a diploma degree can enter III semester of the programme.
- Semesters: 6
- Duration: 3 Years
- Eligibility: Students must earn 120 credits to qualify for the degree
- Familiarise students with the latest developments in the field
- Help students apply their theoretical knowledge in the real world
- Encourage students to participate in international and national level events and community development activities
- Model students to be global citizens while giving a local perspective of the discipline
- Provide access to industry links for internships and employment opportunities
- Encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship among students
- Develop state-of-the-art research facilities to promote innovation
Vertical Progression
There shall be no restriction for promotion from odd semester to the even semester, provided the student fulfills the attendance requirement.
A. Vertical progression in case of students admitted to the first year:
A student with CGPA ≥ 5.00 at the end of the first academic year and has no ‘F’ grade or has not more than four ‘F’ grades in the first two semesters of the programme shall be eligible to move to II year
- A student with CGPA ≥ 5.00 at the end of the second academic year and has no ‘F’ grade or has not more than four ‘F’ grades in four semesters ( I and II years) shall be eligible to move to III year
- A student with CGPA ≥ 5.00 at the end of the third academic year, and has earned all the prescribed credits of I year, and has no ‘F’ grade or has not more than four ‘F’ grades in the four semesters of II and III years shall be eligible to move to IV year
B. A student shall also be eligible for the first time, with a warning to move to higher odd semester, if he/she has failed to secure a minimum CGPA = 5.00 at the end of any academic year
C. For the award of degree, a CGPA ≥ 5.00 at the end of the programme shall be mandatory

Areas of expertise: Data Mining, Machine Learning, Big data Analytics.
Teaching experience: 13 Years Research and 25 Years Teaching
Date of joining: 02.11.2022
Email ID: malinimp.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr Malini M Patil has 28 years of academic and 13 years of research experience. Presently, she is working as professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering. She obtained her UG degree from Karnataka University, Dharwad, PG degree from Shivaji University, Kolhapur, and Ph. D. from Bharathiar University, Tamil Nadu. She has published more than 65 research articles in reputed international journals and conferences in India and abroad. Presently, she is guiding four research scholars, Three scholars awarded with PHD degree. She has authored five book chapters. She is a member of professional societies, Senior Member IEEE, Member of Women in Engineering (WIE), LMCSI, LMIEI, LMISTE, Member ACM, and actively involved in all the professional society activities. She has delivered many webinars /seminars as an invited speaker across India. She visited Hong Kong, Dubai, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia to attend and present her research papers in international conferences. She received the best paper presentation award in conferences. Received the award for PAPER PRESENTER AT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE at the 53rd Annual Convention of the Computer Society of India at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha. Received “Distinguished Women in Science ” Award from Venus International Foundation for the year -2017.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/drmalinimpatil/home

Areas of expertise: Knowledge Based Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining, WSN, Big Data Analytics
Teaching experience: 24 Years Teaching
Date of joining: 31/08/2020
Email ID: anithaj.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. J. Anitha has over 24 years of teaching, research, and development experience. She graduated with B.E. CSE from Bangalore University. She did her M.E. CSE from Anna University, Chennai. She obtained her Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering also from Anna University, Chennai in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Her research interest lies in the field of Knowledge-Based Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Image Processing, Wireless Sensor Networks, Bio-Inspired Algorithms, etc. She is guiding six research scholars at present. She has a number of publications to her name in journals of national and international repute. She has published 30 papers in international journals, 35 papers in various conferences and symposia.
She has authored chapters in 3 edited books in the field Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. She has been awarded 2 funded projects from VGST, the Government of Karnataka under the K-FIST (L1), and SMYSR schemes for 20 Lakhs and 5 Lakhs respectively in 2017. She has authored two books one in C Programming and another in Operating Systems. She has also delivered guest lectures / technical talks, and has chaired conference sessions. She has guided more than 250 undergraduate and post graduate student projects.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/anitha-j/home

Areas of expertise: Machine Learning, Health Care Analytics, Service Oriented Architecture, Computer Vision
Teaching experience: 26 Years
Research experience: 15 Years
Date of joining: 01.01.2025
Email ID: hemams.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. M.S. Hema, Professor in Computer Science and Engineering at RVITM, has 26 years of academic experience. She holds a B.E. degree from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, an M.E. degree from Anna University, Chennai, and a Ph.D. from Anna University, Chennai.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/dr-hema-m-s/home

Areas of expertise:Computer Vision, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, IPR, IT Applications, AIML
Experience: 29 Years
Date of joining: 01.01.2025
Email ID: Shrishailmath.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Total 29 Years of experience in UG and PG level engineering education in department of CSE and allied branches. With different roles such as professor, Principal, HoD, NBA and NAAC Institute level coordinator. Guided many students' projects at UG(BE), PG(M.Tech) and Ph.D(7), currently 6 PhD students are working with me for their PhD work at VTU Belagavi.
Basically, Electronics and Communications engineer (BE(ECE)) with M.Teh in Computer science and Engineering and PhD in Information Technology. Supplemented by PGDIPRL, LLB, MBA.
Trained and certified by WIPO, Geneva in Advanced patent searching, Intellectual property management.
Life member of Indian society for Technical Education, Computer Society of India, Fellow of IETE. Life member of Indian society for Technical Education, Computer Society of India, Fellow of IETE.
Trained and certified by WIPO, Geneva in Advanced patent searching, Intellectual Property Management.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/prof-shrishail-math/bio

Areas of expertise: Cloud Computing
Teaching experience: Professor of Practice
Date of joining: 17/11/2023
Email ID: sudheendrabs.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Mr Sudheendra.B.S has over 19 years of software industry experience prior to joining RVITM. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from APSCE (VTU); the Master degree in Software Systems from BITS Pilani (DLP).
Currently working as Professor of Practice at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RVITM, Bengaluru, India; since November 2023.
He has worked in multiple (product oriented) MNCs namely Hewlett-Packard, Motorola and Radisys spanning varied domains such as Data-Center, WLAN (Wifi) and Telecom. He started the journey with hp as Software Engineer and the last held designation was Senior Engineering Manager at Radisys
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/sudheendrabs/home

Areas of expertise: Image processing; Signal Processing, Machine Learning, CNN & Deep Learning.
Teaching experience: 20 years Teaching
Date of joining: 01/07/2019
Email ID: deepakna.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. Deepak N A, joined the Computer Science and Engineering Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2019, where I am working as an Associate Professor. I received my Ph.D. from the Computer Science & Engineering Department, NAL Research Center, under Mysuru University in 2017. M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from MSRIT, Bengaluru in 2016 and B.E in Computer Science and Engineering from PESIT, Bengaluru in 2009.
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Areas of expertise: Image Processing, Data Mining and Machine Learning
Teaching experience: 19 years
Date of joining: 1/9/2020
Email ID: savithag.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. Savitha G, working as Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RV Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru, Karnataka. Obtained B.E. Degree and Master’s Degree (M.Tech) from Visvesvaraya Technological University , Belagavi, Karnataka, India.
I have obtained a Doctorate- Ph.D for the research work in the area of Image Processing – Pattern Recognition from Visvesvaraya Technological University. The research topic includes the “Design and Development of Efficient Methodologies for Personal Authentication using Biometric Traits”.
I have total teaching experience of 18 Years in teaching, research and learning experience. To my credit published 30 papers in various scientific works in National / International Journal / conference and a book chapter. During my tenure organized several Conferences, Workshops , Hackathan programs and Technical Talks.
Organizing Chair, Session Chair, Resourse Person and Reviewer for several International Conferences and Journals. My research papers got selected for Best Paper Award at Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ICISP-2014), Elsevier Science and Technology publications, Bangalore. Represented District level Junior Kho-Kho Team and District Junior Ball Badminton Team.
My research area includes Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Data Mining.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/drsavithag/home

Area Of Expertise : Generative AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Networks, Probability Models and Network Programming.
Teaching Experience: Software Industry – 12 years (2 years R & D at DRDO) and Academics – 15.5 years
Date of Joining: 09-10-2021
Email Id: mallanagoudap.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. Mallanagouda Patil is working as Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and leading the Training and Placement centre at RVITM. He completed his M.Tech, PhD from VTU, Belagavi and B.E from Karnataka University Dharwad (KUD) respectively. He has worked in software industry for 12 years and 15.5 years in academics with two years of Research and Development at Electronics & Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Government of India. He has worked abroad for the IT companies such as NEC (Japan), Vodafone (UK), Samsung (South Korea) and HP (USA) for 5 years in various capacities from Software Specialist, Project Leader to Technology Consultant in the domain of Real Time Embedded Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Expert Systems, Network Management and Device Drivers.
With Ten Scopus Indexed Journals, Two Q2 Journal and Five IEEE International Conference Papers, Dr. Mallanagouda has a total of 21 publications to his credit. He has contributed as Technical Program Committee (TPC) member and Session Chair in IEEE international conferences held at Singapore and elsewhere.
More Details
Webpage: https://tinyurl.com/mallanagouda

Area Of Expertise : Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Statistical Learning, Cloud computing , Databases
Teaching Experience : 7 Years Research and 16 Years Teaching
Date of Joining : 21.10.2021
Email Id : surbhiagrwal.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. Surbhi Agrawal is working as an Associate Professor in CSE department at RVITM, Bangalore. She is having a total of 17+ years of teaching experience in reputed engineering colleges like Dayananda Sagar University, Indian Institute of Information and Technology, Pune, PESIT, Bangalore etc. She was awarded her doctorate from Visversvaraya Technical University, Belagavi in the area of Machine Learning in Astrophysics domain and has acquired her M. Tech. in CSE with distinction from Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka.
She has published several articles in International Journals and Conferences including SCI journals. She has also served as reviewer of papers/articles of some reputed conferences and journals. She is member of ACM research community. Her area of research is Machine Learning, Soft Computing, Databases, Human Computer Interaction and Data Analytics. She is also an Oracle Certified Professional. She also has 5 book chapters in her name. She is having an Indian Innovation patent and a UK Design patent in her name . She is also a Google Cloud Ready facilitator and Oracle certified Professional on DBA track . She is passionate about learning new skills and imparting it at the same time to others. She has conducted several STTP programs for other Universities as a resource person and has organised various FDPs, conferences, workshops etc. She has also set up Startup Ignition Cell, Google developer Student Community program and Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Program at RVITM.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/dr-surbhi-agrawal/project-page

Area Of Expertise: Data Science, Big data Analytics
Teaching Experience: 11 Years Teaching and 5 Years Research
Date of Joining: 01-10-2021
Email Id : anilkumarb.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. Anil Kumar B working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2021. Received Ph.D in the Department of Computer Science Engineering, Visvesvaraya Technological University , Belagavi in 2024 . Received my M.Tech in Computer Network Engineering from DSCE, Bengaluru (VTU) in 2014 and B.E in Information Science and Engineering from DCSE, Bengaluru (VTU) in 2011. GATE Examination Qualified in Computer Science and Engineering discipline in 2011.Received Best paper Award form IJSET Journal in 2017. Published “C Programming for problem Solving “Text book in 2020.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/anilkumarb/home

Area Of Expertise: Web Development, Mobile Application Development, Big Data Analytics
Teaching Experience: 15 Years Teaching and 5 Years Research
Date of Joining: 19-11-2021
Email Id:nanditab.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr.Nandita B has completed her B.E in Computer Science ,M.Tech. in Software Engineering and Ph.D in Big Data Analytics. She has 15 years of experience in the field of teaching. Her area of interest is Web technology and Machine Learning. Has published 10 papers in International Journal and National Journals. She has actively participated and coordinated various Seminars, Conferences, Workshops and FDP’s. and have received grants for the best final year project. She has been awarded by Infosys for coordinating training programs to make students placement ready. She conducted internship training programs for the current 3rd sem students in RVITM on Web Technology. Her area of interest is Web technology and Machine Learning.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/nanditabangera/home

Areas of expertise: Machine learning, computer vision, deep learning, Internet of Things Large Language Models and bioinformatics
Teaching experience: 8 years – research and 15 years – teaching
Date of joining: 02-09-2022
Email ID: Roopashrees.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. Roopashree S joined as assistant professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2022. Ph.D. in Department of Computer Science and Engineering from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi in the domain of machine learning and deep learning in 2022, M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from VTU in 2013 and B.E in Computer Science and Engineering from Mysore university in 2001.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/roopashree-s/home

Areas of expertise: Deep learning, Mobile Application, Cloud Computing
Teaching experience: 6 Years in Teaching
Date of joining: 03.10.2022
Email ID: syedaayesha.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Syeda Ayesha Unisa has joined the Computer Science Engineering Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2022, where I am working as an Assistant Professor. I have completed Ph.D. in the Computer Science Engineering Department, in VTU in 2024, , M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Dr.AIT Bengaluru in 2016 and B.E in Computer Science Engineering from SKIT in 2014.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/syeda-ayesha-unisa/home

Areas of expertise: Data Privacy, Privacy Preserving Data Mining
Teaching experience: 7 Years Research and 15 Years Teaching
Date of joining: 02.11.2022
Email ID: shashidharv.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. Shashidhar V joined the Computer Science Engineerng Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2022, where he is working as an Assistant Professor. He received his Ph.D. from the Computer Science Engineering Department, VFSTR Deemed to be Univer-sity, M.Tech in Information Security from Birla Institute of Technology and B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering from SASTRA University.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/dr-shashidhar-virupaksha/home

Area of Expertise: Cloud computing , Automation
Industrial Experience :1 year Research and 2 Year Teaching
Date of Joining: 1.10.2021
Email Id: rachanams.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Mrs. Rachana M S joined the Computer Science and Engineering Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2021, where I am working as an Assistant Professor with total 1 year 1 month teaching experience M.Tech in Software Engineering from RVCE, Bengaluru in 2020 and B.E in Computer Science and Engineering from The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore in 2017.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/rachana/about-the-faculty

Aea Of Expertise: Databases, Operating Systems, IoT, NLP
Teaching Experience: 17 Years
Date of Joining: 19-11-2021
Email Id: srividhyavr.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Ms. V R Srividhya is an Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at RVITM. She has secured B.E. (University of Madras) in CSE(First Class) and M.Tech.(VTU) in CSE(FCD).She has around 15 years of experience in academics. Currently pursuing Ph.D. in Information Abstraction. Her area of interests are Databases, IOT and Operating Systems. Has got funding from KSCST. She has guided several projects at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level.
She has guided a project titled “Automated Oven”, that has won several prizes at the National level. Has organized and co ordinated for several National/International Conference, Workshops, FDP’s and Seminars/Webinars. Has to her credit papers published in National/International Conferences and Journals
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/vrsrividhya

Areas of expertise: Computer Networks, Network Security, Data Science, Mobiles Applications, Data base management, IOT.
Teaching experience: 12 years Teaching
Date of joining: 17-10-2022
Email ID: padmasree.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Prof padmasree N. joined the Computer science and Engineering Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2022, where I am working as an Assistant Professor. I received my Mtech . from the computer network Engineering Department from bellary engineering college,bellary in 2007. and B.E in Electronics and communication Engineering from JNTU in 1999.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/mrs-padmasree/home

Areas of expertise: Machine Learning, Image processing, Big data
Teaching experience: 8 Years Teaching
Date of joining: 10.11.2022
Email ID: prabhavathik.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
I Prabhavathi K, joined as Assistant Professor to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, R V Institute of Technology and Management in 2022, Bangalore. She has earned her B.E, M. Tech from VTU, Belgaum. She is currently pursuing PhD in Machine Learning domain. She has Eight years of teaching experience. She has taught various subjects in her teaching carrier.
She has published papers in various reputed International Journals, International Conference, National Conference and Scopus index Journals.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/prabhavathik/home

Areas of expertise: Artificial intelligence and Machine learning. Data science and Deep learning applications paticularly in Healthcare domain. Internet of things and Microprocessors and microcontrollers.
Teaching experience: 5 Years Teaching and 1.5 Years corporate
Date of joining: 16-10-2023
Email ID: uppinrashmi.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Mrs. Uppin Rashmi joined as an Assistant professor in Computer Science Engineering Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2023. I am pursuing my Ph.D. from the Computer Science Engineering Department, Amrita University Bengaluru, M Tech. and BE i completed from VTU.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/uppinrashmi/about-the-faculty

Areas of expertise: Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
Experience: 11 Year
Date of joining: 02-12-2024
Email ID: Bhavyanj.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Mrs. Bhavya N. Javagal is a dedicated and highly motivated professional with over 11 years of experience in academia. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Bangalore (2004-2008). She then pursued her M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering at AMC Engineering College, Bangalore (2011-2013).
In January 2023, Mrs. Javagal embarked on her Ph.D. journey in Natural Language Processing, focusing on Large Language Models, at JAIN (Deemed to be University), India. Currently, she serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at RV Institute of Technology and Management in Bengaluru, India.
With a rich academic background, Mrs. Javagal has developed expertise in Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. Her extensive experience and passion for teaching have made her a valuable asset to the academic community.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/bhavyanjavagal/about-the-faculty

Areas of expertise: AI, ML
Experience: 12 Year
Date of joining: 02-12-2024
Email ID: Shrideviad.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Shridevi A Desai currently serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at RVITM, a position she has held since December 2024. Her 12 years career spans both teaching and industry roles.
She has 6 years of teaching experience across various institutions such as Oxford College, T. John Institute of Technology, and Dayananda Sagar University. During her tenure, she imparted her expertise to students, fostering a passion for technology and innovation.
In addition to her teaching career, she has 6 years of experience in the IT industry, having worked with prominent companies like Bosch and Altair Engineering. Her work spanned diverse domains such as Infotainment and the Automobile Software industry, where she contributed to cutting-edge projects and solutions.
With a proven track record of success in both academia and the IT industry, Shridevi is committed to leveraging her knowledge to drive innovation and excellence in all her endeavours and is deeply interested in contributing to impactful research work.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/shridevi-a-desai/home

Areas of expertise: Computer Networks, IoT, Machine Learning, Federated learning
Experience: 2 Years Teaching, 1 Year in Industry
Date of joining: 03.02.2025
Email ID: nayanahj.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Prof. Nayana HJ, holds MTech degree in Computer Networks and Engineering from SJBIT College of Engineering – Bengaluru. She has done her bachelors in PES Institute of Technology and Management-Shimoga. She is a prolific researcher who has presented her paper in the International Conference on Cryptography and Network Security organized at RLJIT Bengaluru, India. Previously worked as Network Engineer at Value point tech Sol for one year and as an Assistant Professor at Siddaganga Institute of technology, Tumkuru for one year. She has participated in many Faculty Development Programs in the past year. Currently working as an Assistant Professor at RV Institute of Technology and Management.