Department of Physics
Engineering physics is a common subject in the first year for all branches of engineering under Visvesvaraya Technological University. Department has very good infrastructure, well equipped spacious laboratory. The department teaches Engineering Physics theory as well as laboratory experiments for all the Engineering branches. Faculties are well qualified, experienced and highly motivated and also involved in interdisciplinary research activities.

Areas of expertise: Synthesis and Characterization of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles, Thin Films, Thermoelectrics, Ferrites, Glasses, Green synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles, Quantum Information and Quantum Computation.
Teaching experience: 14 years
Research experience: 15 year
Date of joining: 1 July, 2019
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About Faculty
Dr. Srinatha N joined the Department of Physics, RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2019, where I am working as an Assistant Professor and i/c HOD. I earned my M. Sc. in 2009 and my Ph. D. (Full-time) in 2017 from Bangalore University in Bengaluru. I have secured Second Rank in M.Sc. Physics from Bangalore University (2009). I have published 65 research papers in international peer-reviewed journals such as RSC Advances, Physica B, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Ceramics International, Journal of Luminescence, Materials Research Express, Optical Materials, Advanced Powder Technology, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy, and Related Phenomena, etc. I have presented 30 papers at both national and international conferences. Also, I have attended over 20 workshops and conferences. I’m also a reviewer for Elsevier and Springer journals, namely, ‘Ceramics International, Materials Letters, Physica B, Materials Research Bulletin, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, Optik, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry, Advanced Materials Letters, Applied Nanoscience, Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals.
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Areas of expertise: Luminescence (TL, TL Emission 3D, OSL, PL, IL),Spectroscopy (DRS, UV-VIS-NIR) Instrument and experiments design,Radiation interaction with matter,Optical and electrical properties
Experience: 7 Years – Teaching & Research
Date of joining: 07.11.2022
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About Faculty
Competent professional with more than 7-year experience in teaching and research & development. An innovative and passionate material science researcher. Resourceful in deploying various methodologies to analyze various scientific data, recommending modifications to minimize escalations, reduce rejection, realize operational efficiencies, control variability & costs. A keen communicator with honed problem solving and analytical abilities.
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Areas of expertise: Nanomaterials, Polyaniline based nanocomposites, Electrode for supercapacitor for Energy Storage applications, Nanophosphors
Teaching experience: 02 Years
Research Experience: 5 Years
Date of joining: 01-10-2024
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About Faculty
Dr. Yashwanth Venkatraman Naik joined as the Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru, in 2024. I have completed MSc – Physics from Karnatak University, Dharwad, with an aggregate of 80.1%. I have obtaining PhD (Full-time) in Physics from Tumkur University, focusing on Materials Science, particularly Phosphors and Energy storage devices. My research endeavours have led to fruitful collaborations across man prestigious and premier institutions, such as, Raman Research Institute, Karnataka University Dharwad, and King Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Over the course of my academic and research journey, I have contributed significantly to the field by publishing more than 15 research articles in international peer-reviewed journals, such as, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Inorganic Chemistry Communication, Energy Storage Device, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, etc.
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Department of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry started in the year 2019, has been teaching Engineering Chemistry at the first-year level for all branches of Engineering to give the fundamental knowledge and application of chemistry.
The Chemistry Department recline in an intellectual and physical catenation of the basic sciences and engineering. The Department has well qualified faculty members, having teaching, industrial and vast research experience. In addition to teaching we are conducting our own forms of exciting research, which will lead our faculty and students to innovative across various disciplines of science and engineering. As we continue to advance fundamental knowledge in chemistry and open new perspective in the areas of energy, environment and human health. The Department is actively involved in the research in the field of environment, biosensors, electro analysis and nanomaterials.

Areas of expertise: Neurochemistry, Nanotechnology
Experience: 15 Years of Teaching, 3 years of Research and 5 Years of Pharm Industry.
Date of joining: July 1, 2019
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About Faculty
Dr. Rudresh Kumar K.J joined the Department of Engineering Chemistry, RV Institute of Technology (RVITM) Bengaluru in July 2019. I am working as an Associate Professor and Head. I received my Ph.D. from National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) Institute of National Importance, Department of Neurochemistry, in the year 2008, and M.Sc. Chemistry from Central College, Bengaluru in 1996.
He has 15 years of teaching, 3 Years of Research and 5 years of Pharm Industrial experience both in Quality control, Metabolomics and Proteomics.
He himself engaged in a Social awareness programme about Environmental pollution and groundwater contamination (Nitrate and Fluoride) and research, with various Eminent scientists in the field. Presently I am working on Virtual lab and drug design (Cheminformatics).
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Areas of expertise:
- Developing simple and inexpensive electrochemical methods (devices) for the quantification of heavy metal ions, and biomolecules,
- Electrochemical characterization and application of organic and inorganic materials.
Teaching experience: 4.5 Years
Research experience: 15 year
Date of joining: 1 July, 2019
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About Faculty
Samrat D attended Kottureshwara college, Kotturu (B.Sc., 2004), the Department of Chemistry, Gulbarga University (M.Sc., 2006), and the Department of Studies in Chemistry, Bangalore University (PhD., 2014). He joined the Center for Nano and Material Science, at Jain University in 2012 as a Research Associate. Then joined Key Laboratory of Bioelectrochemistry and Environmental Analysis of Gansu Province, Northwest Normal University, Gansu, China to pursue his postdoctoral studies in 2015.
He joined the faculty at the Department of Chemistry, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru in 2017. Worked there as an assistant Professor for two years. He joined Department of Chemistry at RV Institute of Technology and Management in 2019.
He was awarded visiting fellowship by Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur. And spent three months in the International Center for Material Sciences’ Atomic Layer Deposition Lab of Prof. C.N.R. Rao.He is working as a mentor with one Ph.D. student. He has published over 25 peer-reviewed research papers, four book chapters.
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Areas of expertise: Materials Chemistry
Experience: Research: 8 years (post PhD)
Date of joining: 15/09/2020
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Assistant Professor at RVITM. Obtained his master degree (M.Sc., Chemistry) and doctoral degree (Ph.D., Solid State and Materials Chemistry) from Bangalore University, Bangalore. Then he worked as a research associate at the Chemistry and Physics of Materials Unit (CPMU), JNCASR Bangalore. From April 2014 to December 2018, he was a visiting scientist/postdoctoral research scientist in the Department of Solid-State Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids (MPI-CPS), Dresden, Germany. Then he moved to the University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, there he worked as a Research Associate, in the Department of Chemistry, Materials Innovation Factory (MIF) from January 2019 to June 2020. He has 13 years of research experience with 17 research publications. His research interests are in the area of Solid State and Materials Chemistry. The main focus is on the design, synthesis, and structure determination of novel inorganic materials for energy storage and catalysis.
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Department of Library and Information Centre
RVITM Library and Information Centre was established in the year 2018. Library aims to provide hybrid collection of resources such as books, print journals, electronic journals and online databases. Library has more than 3600 volumes of books with 600 titles, Library subscribes 24 print International journals. Library subscribes e-journals and e-books through the VTU Consortium. Library has been automated by using LIBSOFT library management software. Latest configured computers provided with high speed internet connectivity aid students learn from the Internet. The Library is managed by the Library Committee

Areas of expertise: Library consortia, Citation and bibliometric analysis, Collection development, Users’ education.
Experience: 29 Years
Date of joining: July 15, 2019
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I have been working as Librarian at RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru, since 2019, I received my Ph.D. from the Rayalaseema University (AP) in 2018. Before joining the RVITM, I worked at Sri Krishna Institute of Technology as Librarian for 12 years, also I worked as Assistant Librarian at M.S Ramaiah College of Pharmacy for 13 years. I had the opportunity to work at Acharya Institutes for 2 years as Librarian.
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Department of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics is one of the pioneering and the most distinguished departments in R V Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru. Applying a multi-disciplinary research and teaching methods, the department strongly believes in finding mathematical solutions for various social-economic, technological and work-related processes and challenges.
The department is aimed at building a strong foundation in the subject and provides fundamental mathematical knowledge and skills, and the basis for more advanced work later on. Thus, the department’s objective is to promote excellence in mathematical education and research well balanced between abstraction and implementation. Besides emphasizing quality research, the department also encourages its students to handle seminars and participate in group discussions and other related activities in their areas of interest.

Areas of expertise: Convection, Stability analysis, Fluid Mechanics, Flow through Porous Media, Nanofluids, Ferrofluids
Teaching Experience: 24 years
Research Experience: 16 Years
Date of joining: 15-09-2020
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About Faculty
Dr. Gangadharaiah Y.H joined the Mathematics Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2020, where I am working as Professor and Head. I received my Ph.D. from the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, Karnataka in 2013 and M.Sc. Mathematics from Bengaluru university Bengaluru in 2001. He has his credit a number of publications in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. Besides teaching experience of more than twenty-four years at both for undergraduate and post graduate levels, Prof. Gangadharaiah has also authored seven text books. His field of specialization are fluid mechanics, convection, stability analysis and applied Mathematics.
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Areas of expertise: Graphs Theory, Fuzzy graphs and Networks, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graphs and Neutrosophic Graphs.
Teaching Experience: 19 Years of Teaching and 13 years of Research Experience
Date of joining: 01-07-2019
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Dr. Sivasankar S joined the Mathematics Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM), Bengaluru in 2019. I have pursued M.Sc.(Mathematics), M.Phil. (Graph Theory) and Ph.D. (Fuzzy Networks) from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. I completed MBA in Finance from Pondicherry University, Puducherry. I have 19 years of teaching and 13 years of research experience and previously taught at Dayananda Sagar college, The Oxford college of Engineering, PESIT and PES University, Bangalore. My research interest areas include Graphs and Networks, Fuzzy Networks, Fuzzy Optimization, Neutrosophic Graphs and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graphs.
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Areas of expertise: Heat Transfer, Porous Media, Micro Channels, Finite
Element Methods, ANN Models, Fluid Mechanics, Bio-Heat Transfer, Nano fluids
Experience:14 Years of Teaching and 9 years of Research Experience
Date of joining: 15/09/2020
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Dr. Nagabhushana Pulla joined the Mathematics Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2020, where I am working as an Assistant Professor. I have pursued M.Sc. (Mathematics), from Bangalore University and Ph.D. from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi. I have 14 years of teaching and 9 years of research experience and previously taught at PES University, AMC Engineering College, Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, Bangalore. My research interest areas include Heat Transfer, Finite element method and Numerical analysis.
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Areas of expertise: Fluid Mechanics, Heat and mass transfer
Teaching experience: 10 years
Research experience: 8 year
Date of joining: 17.10.2022
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Dr. Sushma M Puranik have joined as Assistant professor in department of mathematics at RVITM. I have been awarded doctorate for thesis on “Flow, heat and mass transfer in doubly connected region” under guidance of Dr. Indira R, at Nitte Meenakshi institute of technology, Research centre affiliated under VTU. Previously I worked in NMIT and Vemana IT as assistant professor. I also Secured 5 Th rank in M.Sc (mathematics) as per declared by Bangalore university and 2 nd rank in B.Sc under Bangalore university.
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Areas of expertise: Graph Theory, Graph Coloring, Graph Domination, Extremal Graph Theory, Algebraic Graph Theory
Research experience: 4 years
Date of joining: 20-09-2024
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Dr. David A Kalarkop joined the Mathematics Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM), Bengaluru in 2024. I have pursued M.Sc. (Mathematics) from Rani Channamma University Belagavi and Ph.D. (Graph Theory) from University of Mysore. I have also qualified CSIR-UGC-NET (JRF) and KSET. I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thailand for the period of one year. I have 04 years of research experience. My research interest areas include Graph Theory, Graph Coloring, Graph Domination, Extremal Graph Theory, Algebraic Graph Theory.
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