A look at our 
 80+ years of legacy. 

RV Educational Institutions

Committed to academic excellence since 1940!

In 1940, Sri. M. C. Sivananda Sarma, a renowned freedom fighter, educator, and administrator laid the foundation of RV Educational Institutions to make high-quality education accessible to all. Since then, we have been at the forefront of discovery, innovation, and learning. Today, RV is one of India’s largest educational consortium with 20 institutions and 20,000+ students.

RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM)

Building the future of science and technology.

At RV, we understand that there exists a vast gap between what universities teach and what industries demand. And that’s why we started RVITM, a premier, Bangalore based engineering college with a singular vision — to prepare students for the world beyond classrooms.

To this effect, we offer four undergraduate programs that promote experiential learning through an ICT-enabled curriculum and
state-of-the-art infrastructure. We back this up with our holistic approach to education that enables our students to be more than
engineers — it encourages them to be bold thinkers — challenging the status quo in everything they strive to do.

Explore Our Courses


To impart top-quality technical education with global competence and societal commitment, leading to breakthrough innovations.


Our mission is to nurture passionate engineers through experiential learning by providing state-of-the-art infrastructure, and ICT-enabled education.

Awards & Recognition

Enlisted in the top scientist list in the world scientist and university rankings according to AD scientific Rankings for Scientist in the year 2025

Top 2% Scientist in the field of Material Science at Global Level

Dr. Durga Prasad C

Proud to share a Major Milestone!

Dr. Durga Prasad C have been listed among the Top 2% Scientists globally, according to the newly released list by Stanford University, USA and Elsevier. 

Indian Rank: 306th out of 5,351 

Worldwide Rank: 24,143 out of 313,936 

Materials Science (India): 78th out of 437 

Dr. Nandita B completed Ph.D in Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences from Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Visvesvaraya Technological University. Year of Completion: 2024.

Dr. Anil Kumar B completed Ph.D in Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences from Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Visvesvaraya Technological University. Year of Completion: 2024

Dr. Syeda Ayesha Unisa completed Ph.D in Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences from Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Visvesvaraya Technological University. Year of Completion: 2024

Dr. Deepak D J completed PhD on the topic “DETECTION OF LIVER TUMOR BY COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY IMAGE SEGMENTATION USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNIQUES” from Visvesvaraya Technological University. Year of Completion: 2024 and received a doctoral degree during the 24th VTU convocation.

Dr. Durga Prasad C has received Excellent Performer Award (PRiSM – 2023-24) from RSST on 08/07/2024.

Dr. Srinatha N, Received ‘Excellent Performer’ Award for the year 2023-24 from RSST Management

Patent Granted:

Dr. Sivasankar S Granted a UK design patent on “Smart device to teach Mathematics to blind students” on 04th April 2024. 

Prof. Swathi Darla, Prof.Girish Kumar B C, Prof. Krishnamurthy Published an Indian Design Patent on “SIAMESE-BASED NEURAL NETWORK SYSTEM TO DETECT THE CHANGES OVER THE EARTH’S SURFACE” on 12th July 2024.

Prof. Krishnamurthy published a Indian design patent on Detection of Lung Nodules by Utilizing CNN Approach with Transfer Learning Technique Based on CT Images Feb 9th 2024.

Dr Anitha J and Dr Roopashree S organised a Hands-on workshop on “Data Visualization” for 6th semester students of Dept. of CSE on 13th July 2024. Resource person: Ms. Prerana, Senior Data Analyst/Engineer at Kipi BI, Bengaluru.

Prabhavathi K organised a Technical Talk on “Software Engineering and Project Management” for 6th sem students on 2nd July 2024 Resource person: Rashmi Assistant Professor,Dept. Of ISE, RV college of Engineering.

Prof. Uppin Rashmi organised a 2 days hands on workshop in the AIML domain under the Datascape club on 16th and 17th May 2024.

Malini M Patil , Rachana M S organised a  Alumni Lecture  Series talk By Ria Somani on 18th of June 2024  for 4th sem students

Malini M Patil , Rachana M S organised a  Workshop on UI/UX and Usability Design on June 28th 2024 for 4th sem students.

Dr Roopashree S through E-Cell club organised a workshop on “Agile foundation and Scrum Mastery ” for 6th semester students of all departments of RVITM on 9th July 2024. Resource person: Mr Ankit Agrawal, Ownership coach and Author.

Dr. Niharika P Kumar, Associate professor delivered a Technical Talk on Generative AI in Bahubali Engineering College on 17th January 2024.

Prof. Samatha R SwamyAssistant professor Conducted “Hands-On session on Internet of Things(18CS81)” for the 8th Semester students of ISE Dept, DSATM, Bengaluru on 9th May 2024.

Dr. Venugopal ,delivered a  Talk on Interpersonal Skills: “Unlocking your Inner Potential “on 21/02/2024 for IV sem students at RV institute of technology and Management, Bangalore.

Dr.N.Kumaresh Delivered a valedictory address for the National Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Disruptive Technologies organised by the Department of Computer Science with Data Analytics, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore Tamil Nadu on 6th March 2024.

  Dr.N.Kumaresh  Delivered Tech Talk(Online) on “ Cyber Security Tools for Innovators” organised by the Department of Digital and Cyber Forensic Science , SNMV College of Arts and Science , Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu on 23rd February 2024.

Dr.Chethan Venkatesh delivered a talk on “Latest perspective in the Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning” at Aditya College of Engineering and Technology, Bangalore on 30th March 2024.

Dr.Chethan Venkatesh Delivered a talk on “Recipe for Good Research” in the Department of MCA, Dayananda Sagar College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bangalore on 25th May 2024.

  1. Dr. Roopashree S received the Best Research Paper Award for a paper titled “Trans Lingua: Unlocking Language Barriers” in NCDTE-24 a national conference conducted in RVITM.
  2. Kuldeep Jain, Aadithya V. Jamadagni, Adarsh S., Bharath K., and Deepak N. A., “Big Data Semantic Management for Disease Prediction”, In Proc. of National Conference on Digital Technologies and Engineering, 2nd and 3rd May 2024. Received best paper award. 
  3. Dr. Mallanagouda Patil ,Srivishnu M V, Shreyas S, S Akash, Srikanth A received the Best Research Paper Award for a paper titled “Empowering Early Cancer Detection Through Machine Learning and Generative Models” in NCDTE-24 a national conference conducted in RVITM.
  4. Dr. Kirankumar K and team received Best paper award for the paper titled “SOCIAL MEDIA ASSISTING USING SENTIMENT ANALYSIS” at the National Conference on Digital Technology & Engineering on 2nd & 3rd May 2024 organized by RVITM, Bengaluru.
  1. Dr Roopashree S completed a consultancy project titled, “A cross-platform mobile application for efficient intensive care patient management and remote monitoring”, using Flutter and Firebase for Rs. 1,00,000/- for a multispecialty hospital in Mysuru. (Status: Started November, 2023 and completed in May, 2024)
  2. Dr Roopashree S received a sponsored amount of Rs. 4500 for “VIBRANTVERSE: BHARAT BAHUBHASHIK SETU” project by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) under 47th series of student projects programme (47S_BE_1411), 2024.
  3. Dr Roopashree S received a sponsored amount of Rs. 4500 for “BREAKING LANGUAGE BARRIERS: A GLOBAL TRANSLATION  INITIATIVE” project by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) under 47th series of student projects programme (47S_BE_1805), 2024.
  4. Dr Roopashree S received a sponsored amount of Rs. 5000 for “CURATIONX: ENHANCING DATA CURATION WITH LLAMA 2” project by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) under 47th series of student projects programme (47S_BE_1365), 2024.
  5. Dr. Kirankumar K,Naveen Krishna Bhat S,Vishal Anil Bajpai, Shashank Devasheety,Mudit Kushwaha,project proposal titled “ENVISION” approved in KSCST student project programme-47th series.
  6. Deva Adithya Bobby, Punith Siddaya Gowda and Shashank Karigowda VIII semester (2020 Batch) students under the guidance of Dr. Lokesh P have received funding of Rs 5,000/ from 47th Series Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru.
  7. Manoj Kumar E, Shobit Mahato and Vishnu Petkar VIII semester (2020 Batch) students under the guidance of Dr. Ramesh S have received funding of Rs 5,000/ from 47th Series Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru.
  1. Srivishnu M V, Shreyas S, S Akash, Srikanth A, Mallanagouda Patil “Empowering Early Cancer     Detection Through Machine Learning and Generative Models”, national Conference held at RVITM  (NCDTE- 2024), The research proposes a novel approach for breast cancer detection leveraging machine learning models, specifically XGBoost, trained on synthetic data generated by a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN).  
  2. Vinoth Kumar M, Ganesh H, N L Prasad, Kowshik S, Ruchitha Divakar “Predicting the Symptom Severity in Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on EEG Metrics”, International Conference on New Trends in Science, Engineering, Technology and Management (ICNTSETM- 2024), Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu, [2024], pp 188.
  3. Dr.Niharika Prasanna Kumar,Kishore Srinivasan,Dhanesh Ramesh”Analyzing Public Sentiment Towards LLM: A Twitter-Based Sentiment Analysis”,IEEE  International Conference on Confluence of Advancements in Robotics,Vision and Interdisciplinary Technology Management(IC-RVITM),Feb 2024.
  4. Haritha S, Sakshi Gupta, Sara Mehraj, Deepak D J, “Emotion Detection using Facial Expression – A comprehensive review”, National Conference on Digital Technology and Engineering, RVITM, Bengaluru, India, [2024].
  5. Akshaya, B., Viptha, B. M., Vallabhee, S., Baig, M. A., & Kumar, Prof.Girish Kumar B. C. (2024) Advancements in Poultry Disease Detection: A Comprehensive Review of Deep Learning Methods and Emerging Trends. Indiana Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 4(3), 258-264.
  6. PushpaG,Vishal Anil Bajpai,Naveen Krishna Bhat,Shashank Devashetty,Mudit Kushwaha,” Envision: An Image Recognition App”, Indiana Journal of Multidisciplinary  Research (IJMR)4(3),ISSN:2583 3820,205-211,RVITM, Bengaluru,India,2024.
  7. Prof. Samatha R Swamy,Prof. Pushpa G,Mithun Gowda G,Shashank Raguram,Choranth P,” Comprehensive Approach to Drone-Based Number Plate Recognition Using Python”,Indiana Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)4(3),ISSN:2583 3820,254-257-211,RVITM, Bengaluru,India,2024.
  8. Varun P, G Dharani, Raja Yogeshwaran, Varshith Veerabomma, Dr. Shruthi P, “MCAD: A Machine Learning Based Cyberattacks Detector in Software-Defined Networking (SDN)”, Indiana Journal of Multidisciplinary  Research (IJMR)4(3),ISSN:2583 3820,220-225,Volume-04,Issue-03,2024.
  9. Rahul R, Nityashree M, Nataraj V, “High speed Low Power CMOS flash ADC Architecture”, National Conference on Electronics & Communication Engineering (NCEC-24), Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, 3-5 Jan, 2024.
  10. Anurag P S,AmishS,RisheekG,Dr Shalini Shravan,“Medicine Reminder-A New WayTo Keep Track Of Medication”, IETE-sponsored Seventh National Conference onEmerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology, RNS Institute of technologyand Management, Bengaluru, 30 April 2024.
  11. DanammaMallappaSimpi, Ananya B.S., Shubhashree T., Shubham S. Police Patil, Venu  Gopal B.T. “Heart Attack Detection System with IoT Technology”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (NCETEST-7), RNSIT Bengaluru, Apr. 30, 2024
  12. Deva Adithya Bobby, Punith Siddaya Gowda and Shashank Karigowda VIII semester (2020 Batch) students under the guidance of Dr. Lokesh P have received First Prize in Project Exhibition Protatva – 2024, RVITM Bengaluru
  13. Jeetendra, Syed Aaquib and Yashas G VIII semester (2020 Batch) students under the guidance of Dr. Raghavendra Reddy N V have received first prize for Paper Presentation at National Conference on Digital Technology & Engineering -2024, RVITM.

Winners and runners at Christ Culturals

  • 1RF22CS010 AKARSH ANIL KUMAR secured 2nd place in Solo singing competition on 23rd and 24th may 2024 held at St. Francis college Bangalore.
  • 1RF22CS010 AKARSH ANIL KUMAR secured 2nd prize in western vocal solo competition on 9th and 10th June 2024 held at Jyothy Institute of Technology Bangalore.
  • 1RF22CS010 AKARSH ANIL KUMAR secured Runner up in western vocal solo competition on 21st and 22nd June 2024 held at Jyothy Institute of Technology Bangalore.
  • 1RF22CS010 AKARSH ANIL KUMAR secured 1st prize in Swarnanjali event conducted on 29th April 2024 held at MSR Institute of Technology Bangalore.
  • 1RF22CS010 AKARSH ANIL KUMAR secured 1st place in Voice of RVITM event conducted on 8th May 2024 held at RV Institute of Technology Bangalore.
  • 1RF21CS009 Akshaj Pattanshetty secured 2nd place in “Voice of RVITM-Western” Held at RVITM on May 2024.
  •  KAVYA H M, 6th sem(ISE) , DHANASHRI SOLANKI 4th Sem(CSE), NEHA SHAKARI & ARFA YUNUS 2nd Sem(CSE) secured Second place in the VTU STATE-LEVEL CHESS tournament and won a SILVER MEDAL and a TROPHY. This Karnataka-level competition was held at BMSCE from 16th to 20th July 2024.
  • Barsha(1RF23EC019) from 2nd semester ECE department won Gold medal -01 ( 50mtr Breast Stroke) and Bronze medal – 03( 50 mtr, 100 mtr Back stroke, 100 mtrBreast Stroke) in the VTU state level Swimming Competition Men and Women2024-25 held at RVITM college (BAC- Basavanagudi Aquatic Centre) on 19th and20th 2024.

Tushar Arora from 8th sem CSE 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫-𝐔𝐩 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧 ₹𝟒𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐓𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓! ( 𝟐𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐞𝐛 -𝟐𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐛 ) organized by Truva

Kiran Kadetti of MCA I semester who secured first place in photography at the Techfest organized by BMSIT today.

Kiran M and Chandan Jain III Sem MCA who secured first place in the IT Quiz at the Techfest organized by BMSIT today.

We are delighted to announce that Ankit A K, a third year Information Science and Engineering student of RVITM, has been awarded a coveted scholarship from the Karnataka Sangeetha Nrithya Academy for the academic year 2024-25. This distinguished recognition celebrates his exceptional artistry and profound dedication to mastering the Tabla.

We are excited to share the results of Tech Fest “Syntaxia 2025,” hosted by St. Joseph’s University, where our MCA students displayed exceptional talent and teamwork.
The *Overall Championship* was proudly secured by RVITM MCA students for their outstanding performance across events.


1) Coding: Kiran M and Nagananda- 3rd Sem

2) BGMI Gaming: Naresh, Prajwal, Dhanush and Monish-1st Sem

2nd Prize:

1) Web Design: Kabir Ahmed and Mustahsim- 1st Sem

4) IT Quiz: Sneha Pai and Sinchana, 3rd Sem

2) Graphic Design: Prasanna Hegde- 1st Sem

3) Treasure Hunt: Sruty S, Sejal, Sahana, and Sangeeta- 1st Sem

BGMI Gaming: Niteesh, Subramanya, Sharath and Manjunath-3rd Sem

Mayank Chaturvedi, S Sujeeth Shingade and Sujay J Ram of 5th Sem ISE have won 1st Prize, cash prize of Rs 1 Lakh in seamless AI and blockchain hackathon conducted by Formidium at BeeHive co-working space, Bangalore on 19 October 2024.

1RF21CS116 Tushar Arora Completed a 6-month internship as a Data Structure and Algorithm & Competitive Programming teaching assistant at TLE Eliminators, with a stipend of INR 5,000 per month (December 2023 – June 2024)..

1RF21CS109 Swathi T developed a consultancy project titled “A cross platform mobile application for the remote and real time monitoring of ICU patients” at GC’s Multispeciality hospital Mysuru and earned 10000/- stipend completed in May 2024.

1RF21CS108 Suryateja Challa completed a consultancy project titled “A cross platform mobile application for the remote and real time monitoring of ICU patients using Flutter,Figma and Firebase “ and  earned 10000/- stipend at GC’s Multispeciality hospital Mysuru completed in May 2024.

1RF21CS009 Akshaj Pattanshetty won 2nd runner up in Fantomcode 24-hour hackathon Held at RVITM held on May 2024.

1RF21CS038 DHRUV PARASHAR completed Internship on “Generating through the cycle matrix using continuous time markov chain approach “and earned INR 32.5K in July 2024

Mohit Achar and Issac Samuel Paul of 5th Sem ECE won 1st prize in Paper Presentation at VTU Technical Fest Yukti-24 State Level Event held on 13th Jan 2024 at VTU Belagavi Campus.

Risheek 3rd Sem ECE and Shricharan of 3rd Sem ECE won 1st Prize in Line Follower Robot Competition In QuantumX-24 held at New Horizon College of Engineering.

S Sujeeth Shingade, Mayank Chaturvedi, Sujay J Ram of 4th sem ISE team has won 1st prize, cash prize of Rs 50k in 24 hours hackathon AD3X hackathon conducted by Alkimi at Vaishnavi Tech park, Bangalore on 13 & 14 July 2024.

Sharadhi, Divesh S, Syed Zaid, Gautham, Nagananda, Smitesh, Priyash Nitesh and Team, Prajwal, Nachiketh, Devika, Bhuvan, Dhanush & Farooq – Students of MCA won the overall championship trophy at Abhyuday 8.0, Annual Technical Fest organised by Department of MCA, MSRIT.  The fest was held on 19 th and 20 th April 2024.

Priyash Prasad Prabhu Desai and Smitesh Anil Pednekar students of first semester MCA, won 2nd Prize in the Technical Quiz (Wisdom Wars) Competition organised by SIT, Tumkur. The fest was held on 5 th and 6 th March 2024

VTU Rank Holders

4th Rank

8th Rank

10th Rank

   TOPPERS – 2020-2024 BATCH


Students Achievers 


The list of students who scored centum in Mathematics Courses (2023-2024)

1.SHIVASWAMY B M VIMathematics-I for CSE stream, Jan 2023.
2.SOUJANYA UPASEIMathematics-I for CSE stream, Jan 2023.
3.CHAVI GUPTAIMathematics-I for CSE stream, Jan 2023.
4.MATHEW JOSEPHIMathematics-I for CSE stream, Jan 2023.
5.SAHANA P JAINIMathematics-I for CSE stream, Jan 2023.
6.AKANKSHA MEHTAIMathematics-I for CSE stream, Jan 2023.
7.ABHISHEK KIMathematics-I for CSE stream, Jan 2023.
8.SHIVASWAMY B M VIIMathematics-II for CSE stream, July 2023.
9.SOUJANYA UPASEIIMathematics-II for CSE stream, July 2023.
10.GAYATHRI JAYANIIMathematics-II for CSE stream, July 2023.
11.MATHEW JOSEPHIIMathematics-II for CSE stream, July 2023.
12.VRIDDHI TANGRIIIMathematics-II for CSE stream, July 2023.
13.AAKANKSHA A DUTTIMathematics-I for CSE stream, Jan 2024.
14.MATHEW JOSEPHIIIMathematics for Computer Science, Jan 2024
15.ANSHUL B AIIIMathematics for Computer Science, Jan 2024
46.POOJA HONNAIIIMathematics for Computer Science, Jan 2024
17.SADHANA R AIIIMathematics for Computer Science, Jan 2024
18.SHIVANSH TANDONIIIMathematics for Computer Science, Jan 2024
19.SHIVARUDRAPPAIIIMathematics for Computer Science, Jan 2024
20.CHANDRAKANTH S DEVANAGAONIIIMathematics for Computer Science, Jan 2024

The list of students who scored centum in Physics Course (2023-2024)

Sl. No.NameSemesterBranch
1.      AIDTYA SINGHIIPhysics for ISE Strem, October 2023
2.      CHETHAN B LIIPhysics for ISE Strem, October 2023


IIPhysics for ISE Strem, October 2023
4.      SHIVASWAMY  B M VIIPhysics for ISE Strem, October 2023
5.      RAKSHA RIIPhysics for ISE Strem, June/July 2024

Smitesh Anil Pednekar – MCA 1st semester student, Secured B Grade in the Online Training Programme (Space Science and Technology Awareness Training) START on “Exploration of the Solar Systems” conducted by ISRO (24 April 2024 to 10 May 2024)

Mithun Gowdar from 4th sem ISE received best poster presentation award for the paper Title, “Stock Price Prediction” at National Conference on Digital Technology and Engineering on 2nd and 3rd May 2024, RVITM

Kaushik, Sumukh, Mridul, Ankush, Venu Gopal B.T ,. “Dynamic Deep Learning Algorithm in Medical Diagnosis and Detection” , National Conference on Digital Technology and Engineering (NCDTE-2024), RVITM BengaluruMay 2, 2024.

Sathvik, Greeshma,Madumathy P “Scientific Calculator”   NCEC-2024, 3rd of January 2024, DSCE, Bangalore.

Prithvi P Shenoy, a brilliant mind from the 6th semester of the ISE department, has secured the Best Poster Award at the NCDTE 2024, National Conference. Her innovative poster, titled “AI-based Demographic Analysis for Core Electoral Process,” is a great approach to enhancing electoral systems through the power of artificial intelligence.

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Dr. M.P. Shyam

Rashtreeya Vidyalaya (RV) Institutions are at the forefront among providers of quality education in the state of Karnataka. In line with our…

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The vision of our Trust is to impart quality education at reasonable cost in all core disciplines and develop global leaders…


Dr. Nagashettappa Biradar.

Education goes beyond literacy; it strives to nurture every individual’s personality and capabilities — helping them lead more fulfilling lives….